

News from Germany

Dear All,
Our son Andre is born on the 2014/07/29 in Aachen, Germany and we are extremely happy to welcome a new family member. This would not have been possible without your invaluable help and encouragements during the conception period. We want to say a special thank you to Doctor Huang for his professional skills and advice without which nothing would have been possible, a big thank you as well to the supporting team who helped us to keep hope during the entire process.

我們的寶寶安德烈 (Andre)2014/07/29 平安出生於德國阿亨, 我們非常地開心迎接新家庭成員的到來。若沒有各位的幫忙和鼓勵,不可能會成功。在此特別感謝黃主任的專業與建議,治條期間也感謝醫師團隊的支持與幫忙讓我們持有希望。

翊亘 & Olivier



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